String addition and Special Operators in Java.

In this article, String addition and Special Operators in Java are explained in detail with examples.
This operator is '+'. It is used to add or concate two or more string as a single string.
"Hello"+"World" =>"Helloworld"
It is also used to add a string with any value/variable and form a new string.
"sum is: "+(a+b)
Here value or variable is of any data type.
// program related to String addition and Special Operators in Java-string addition operator.
class StringAddition
public static void main(String args[])
String s1="Hello"+"world";
String s2="Hello"+"Beautiful"+"World";
boolean flag=true;
byte b=10;
short s=100;
int i=1000;
long l=10000l;
float f=5.66f;
double d=3.1456;
char ch='A';
System.out.println("Boolean value is: "+flag);
System.out.println("Byte value is: "+b);
System.out.println("Short value is: "+s);
System.out.println("Int value is: "+i);
System.out.println("Long value is: "+l);
System.out.println("Float value is: "+f);
System.out.println("Double value is: "+d);
System.out.println("char value is: "+ch);
Boolean value is: true
Byte value is: 10
Short value is: 100
Int value is: 1000
Long value is: 10000
Float value is: 5.66
Double value is: 3.1456
char value is: A
String Addition-javaform
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Special Operators in Java.
These operators are used to perform special operations based on usage.They are two types
  • Dot operator.
  • Instanceof operator.
Dot Operator: This is used to access numbers of a class using object of that class.
It is also used to separate package with sub package, while importing/creating packages.
Ex*; //importing a package.*;
package java.java1; //Creating a new package.
Instanceof operator: This is used to check whether a particular object belongs to that class or not in inheritance. (From topic String addition and Special Operators in Java)
(object) instanceof (class name)
It returns "True/false" based on the comparison.
*Instanceof is also a relational operator.
// program related to String addition and Special Operators in Java-Instanceof operator.
class InstanceofOperator //this program shows how a instance of operator is used.
public static void main(String args[])
A a=new A();
B b=new B();
C c=new C();
boolean flag;
flag=(a instanceof A);
System.out.println("a instanceof A: "+flag);
flag=(b instanceof B);
System.out.println("b instanceof B: "+flag);
flag=(c instanceof C);
System.out.println("c instanceof C: "+flag);
class A
class B
class C
Special Operators-Output-javaform
                            To get the code file use me.

Continue to next topic Typecasting in Java.

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