Abstract Classes and Abstract Methods.

In this article,Abstract Classes and Abstract Methods is explained in detail with examples.
An abstract is a keyword,use as a modifier in java programming in two situations.
  • Abstract methods.
  • Abstract classes.
Abstract Methods
A method in a class which is incomplete without a body is known as an abstract method or incomplete method or non-concrete method.
public void method1();
public void display();
such methods are designated with the keyword "Abstract".

Packages in Java.

In this article,Packages in Java is explained in detail with examples.
A package is the collection of Java programs in compiled format(.class files) grouped together as a single unit.
How project delivered to the client using packages in Java.
  • Develop java program.
  • compile the programs.
  • .classfiles.
  • All class files are grouped together in a folder directory known as PACKAGE.
  • This package is compressed using .Jar file..
  • .Jar file is delivered to clients.

Business "Past and the present"

Business "Past and the present"

Hi, I am Vijay from Javaform, one of the leading study blogs. In this article, you know about Business "Past and the Present". I want to share a few things about "Today's business domain and of the past”.

Life cycle of a Thread.

In this article,Life cycle of a Thread is explained in detail with examples.
LifeCycle of a Thread-javaform

Runnable Interface in Multi-Threading.

In this article,Runnable Interface in Multi-Threading is explained in detail with examples.
We perform Multi-threading using "Thread class" in basic 4 Steps.In situations,when we already have the inheritance in our program.(From topic Runnable Interface in Multi-Threading)
class B extends A
Multiple inheritance-javaform
Now to perform Multi-Threading in class B(Subclass) using Thread class is not possible because java doesn't support Multiple Inheritance of two base classes.

IO Streams in Java.

In this article,IO Streams in Java is explained in detail with examples.
The IO Streams in Java/Stream is nothing but the flow of data or information from source to destination.
IO Streams In java-javaform

Thread priorities and Thread Schedule.

In this article,Thread priorities and Thread Schedule is explained in detail with examples.
When Multiple threads are getting executed in the same program,we can change priorities (Thread priorities and Thread Schedule)of any particular thread using the following methods.
setPriority(int level);
According to JVM we have 1--10 priority level using the following Data members in thread class.
public static final int MIN_PRIORITY;(level-1)
public static final int NORM_PRIORITY;(level-5)
public static final int MAX_PRIORITY;(level-10)
and default priority level for all threads is 5 (NORM_Priority)---(From topic Thread priorities and Thread Schedule)
//program related to Thread priorities and Thread Schedule-Thread priority.

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