Method overloading.

In this article,Method overloading is explained in detail with examples.
Two or more methods in a single class with same name and atleast one difference in the signature is known as method loading.
Signature means a number of arguments, the order of arguments and data type of arguments.
class A
---Data members---;
void m1(int,int){---}
void m1(float,float){---}
void m1(int,float){---}
void m1(float,int){---}

Method Overriding and Object as a class Member.

In this article,Method Overriding and Object as a class Member are explained in detail with example.
Method overriding is related to inheritance, Here we re-define method of a base class in a subclass with the same name and same signature i.e, the number of arguments, the order of arguments, the data type of arguments, all should be same.
//program related to Method Overriding and Object as a class Member--method overriding
class ParentClass
void parentMethod() //over ridden method---
System.out.println("Parent class Method");

Method Calling Mechanisms in Java.

In this article,Method Calling Mechanisms in Java is explained in detail with an example.
Based on nature of arguments used to call a user defined method in java, we have two types of method calling mechanisms.They are
  • Call by value.
  • Call by reference.
Call by Value
In this mechanism, we pass a copy of actual arguments to call a user-defined method and formal parameters are also of same data type.
Any changes done with formal parameters are NOT reflected to actual arguments.
//program related to Method Calling Mechanisms in Java--call by value.

Access Modifiers in Java.

In this article,Access Modifiers in Java is explained in detail with examples.
This concept represents scope/visibility/accessibility of different members of a class for usage.
Java supports four access modifiers:
* If no modifier is used then it is default we use default in the switch case.
Using: D=direct access.
         obj=object access.
Access Modifiers-Javaform

Static Modifier in Java.

In this article,Static Modifier in Java is explained in detail with examples.
This modifier can be used in four situations
  • Data-members.
  • Member-Methods.
  • Static Block.
  • Classes-Related to nested class.
i)Static data-Members.
These data members are those data members,which are common for all the objects of a class.
Static is the keyword used to declare them.

Public Static Void main(String args[]).

In this article,Public Static Void main(String args[]) is explained in detail with examples.
Is an access modifier, it allows JVM to call main() outside the class from operating System command prompt.
JVM calls main(), when a class is executed. It means without creating an object of our class JVM is invoking main() directly.Hence it is static.
It indicates return type, the main method doesn't return any value back to JVM after execution.

Nested Classes in Java.

In this article, Nested Classes in Java are explained in detail with examples. you will come to know about what are nested classes in Java,how they are classified and structure of each type, with the example.
Defining a particular class inside an another class is known as "nested-class".
class A
class B //nested class

JVM Architecture.

In this article,JVM Architecture is explained in detail with examples.
JVM Architecture-Javaform

Inheritance in Java.

In this article,Inheritance in Java is explained in detail with examples.
Acquiring the properties and behaviours of an existing class into a new class is known as "inheritance in Java".
Inheritance in Java-javaform

Dynamic Method Dispatch.

In this article,Dynamic Method Dispatch is explained in detail with examples.
you will know about what is Dynamic method dispatch in the java program and why this method is also known as dynamic polymorphism,is clearly explained with different Examples.
This concept in Core Java is related to dynamic polymorphism (Dynamic Method Dispatch) it is implemented through overriding in multi-level inheritance.
Dynamic method Dispatch-Javaform

Thread in Java.

In this article,Thread in Java is explained in detail with examples.
A thread is a small work or task which is performed in a single program with same specific functionality technically,it is known as "Light-weight-process".
Executing two or more methods in a single Java program along with main() method is known as "Multi-threading".
Single thread Application
In this application,program execution starts with main() and line by line execution is done.Any other methods which are called in main method,they are executed one after the other in linear/sequential fashion. (From topic Thread in Java)

User Defined Exceptions.

In this article,User Defined Exceptions are explained in detail with examples.
To create user-defined exceptions we inherit our class from any one of the predefined-exception-class
Userdefined Exception-javaform

Exception handling.

In this article,Exception handling is explained in detail with examples.
The exception is the error which may occur when a java program is getting executed. Technically it is known as "Runtime error".
Exception Handling-javaform

Synchronization in java.

In this article,Synchronization in java is explained in detail with examples.
ITC stands for "Inter-thread communication".
When two or more threads are trying to access the same common data in a system then we use "ITC" mechanism,such common data is known as "Critical resonance/Data".
ITC(Inter Thread Communication)-javaform

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