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Vijay Srinivas.K-javaform
We provide the best online material for learning advanced courses like java, Digital Marketing by our experienced team unit.They will assist you in clarifying the doubts.
Hi friends, I am Vijay Srinivas.K, founder of Best Surprise planners in Hyderabad -Lavish Surprises. I completed my Bachelor's degree From KL University. I worked as Technical Head for IEEE|KLU Student Branch. My interest on editing images and creative content for articles drove me to dive into Digital Marketing. I am certified by Google in AdWords Search Advertising and also an expert in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing (SMM). My blog gives information on CoreJava, Digital Marketing and Personality Development Ebooks with inspiring stories. I inspired from the quote "Learning doesn't require age" which lead me to create this blog through which I can share my knowledge to you.The main objective of My Blog is to provide quality content for easy learning and to save the time of the user in finding concepts.You can Learn Digital Marketing online free from our blog.

Core Java.

In this article,What is core Java?, is explained in detail from the origin of the Java with examples.
Introduction to Java
Java is a simple and powerful object oriented programming language and it is in many respects similar to C++.Core Java or Java is a programming language, using which we can develop programs/applications and software for computers especially. It is intended to let application developers “write once, run anywhere” meaning that compiled Java code can run on all platforms that support Java/Core Java without the need for recompilation.
Ex: Calculator, Notepad, MS-Office applications, Internet applications, student applications, Banking applications etc..

Features of Java.

In this article, What are Features of Java? are explained in detail with real time examples. 
Features of java-javaform

The first features of Java is Simple.All the limitations of the traditional programming language like c,c++ were eliminated in Core Java and it is made simple to learn,easy to write programs with less number of lines and short period of time.

Installation of Java and Java path.

In this article,how to Installation of Java and Java path? are explained in detail with images shown.
It is recommended, before you proceed with the online Installation of Java, you may want to disable your Internet firewall. In some cases, the default firewall settings are set to reject all automatic or online installations such as the Java online installation of Java. If the firewall is not configured appropriately it may stall the download/install operation of Java under certain conditions. Refer to your specific Internet firewall manual for instructions on how to disable your Internet Firewall.
This Article gives you the information about installation of java and setting the path to java to download java software go through the link.

Step by step installation of Java standard edition software is clearly mentioned below.

Verification of Java Path.

In this article,what is  Java path? and Verification of Java path? is explained in detail with images of how to set the path.
The class path variable is one way to tell the applications, including the Java Development Kit (JDK) tools, where to look for user classes.(Classes that are part of the JRE,JDK platform, and extensions should be defined through other means, such as the class path or the extensions directory).
Step 1:Open the command prompt by typing cmd in the start menu or you can directly open by pressing (windows+r) and type CMD.

Verification of java path-javaform

First/Sample Program using Java.

In this article, how to write First/Sample Program using Java is explained in detail. We can write a simple java program easily after installing the JDK.
It's time to write your first program! The following instructions are for users of Windows vista and Windows XP. To create a simple java program, you need to create a class that contains the main method. Your first application will simply display the greeting "Hello world!"
To create the First/Sample Program using Java, follow the program.   (From topic how to write First/Sample Program using Java)
//program related to First/Sample Program using Java. 
class sample{
Public static void main(String args[]){
System.out.println("Hello world!.");

Basic Structure and Fundamentals of Java.

In this article, What are Basic Structure and Fundamentals of Java? is explained in detail.We will learn about the basic structure of Java program.This structure consists of
  • Documentation Section.
  • Package Statements.
  • Class Definitions.
  • Class with main() method definition.

Fundamentals of Java|Java tokens.

In this article, what are Fundamentals of Java|Java tokens? is explained in detail. Tokens are different entities (individual units), using which we write java programs.These Fundamentals of Java|Java tokens. Java tokens are classified as follows.

Introduction to Digital Marketing.

In this article, Introduction to Digital Marketing is explained in detail. We are going to know about what is Marketing,Types of marketing,what is Digital marketing,factors of digital marketing and which strategies are involved in it.

What is Marketing?
Marketing is the link between a company and the consumer audience that targets to raise the market price of a company.
Marketing can be done in two ways, they are.
  • Traditional Marketing.
  • Digital Marketing.


Interfaces are pure abstract classes i.e, all the methods in an interface are abstract methods only.
Hence interface is also known as "Skeleton-class ".
Interface is a keyword used to declare it.
interface A
void m1();
void m2();
Here keyword abstract is optional while declaring abstract methods of an interface.
inheritance can contain data members.By default, these data members are public static final.
interface A
public static final int a=10;
public static final in b=20;
int c=30;
void m1();
void m2();
Such data members can be access directly with interface name.
Interface object can't be created because it is purely incomplete class.
A obj=new A(); //Error..
How to use interface
Since interface object can't be created,we have to inherit the interface.
Implement is a keyword using which we inherit an interface.
The class which inherits interface should be redefined all the abstract methods or interface.
The class which inherits interface should redefine all the abstract methods or interface otherwise such sub-class also becomes an incomplete class or abstract class and this class can't be instantiated.
class B implements A
int x,y;
void m1()
System.out.println("m1() Method");
void m2()
System.out.printnln("m2() Method");
void m3()
System.out.println("m3() method");
class InterfaceExample
public static void main(String args[])
//A obj=new A(); //Error..
A a;
System.out.printnln("A value="+A.a);
System.out.printnln("B value="+A.b);
System.out.printnln("C value="+A.c);
a=new B();
B b=new B()
System.out.printnln("X value="+b.x);
System.out.printnln("Y value="+b.y);

//program related to interfaces
Interface interface1
/*final*/ int x=10;
Static int x=20; // by default its final,public.
Void method1();
Void method2();
/*void method3() //error—because no complete method
System.out.println(“Inside method3()”);
Class InterfaceExample implement Interface1
Public void method1()
System.out.println(“Inside method 1()”);
Public void method2()
System.out.printnln(“Inside method2()”);
Public static void main(String args[])
Interface obj1=new Interface1(); //error no-object
Interface1 obj1;
InterfaceExample obj2=new interfaceExample();
//obj2.x=obj2.x+10 //if final in interface
//Interface1.y=Interface1.y+10; //by default its final
//obj2.y=obj2.y+10; //by default its final
System.out.println(“y:::”+ Interface1.y);
Interface1 obj3=new InterfaceExample();

Multiple Inheritance in Java through interfaces.
Java doesn't support multiple inheritance through classes i.e, 2 or more base classes giving derivation to one sub-class. i.e not possible in Java.
Multiple inheritance-javaform
However, this concept can be implemented through interfaces.
class C extends A implements B
Here Sub-Class 'C' should redefine all the abstract methods of base-class as well as interface otherwise such class becomes an abstract class and it can't be instantiated.
i)A class extends class for inheritance
class extends-Javaform
class B extends A
ii)A class implements interface for inheritance.
implements interface-javaform
class implements A
iii)An interface extends another interface for inheritance.

interface extends-Javaform
Interface B extends A
iv) Interface can't inherit class.
Interface can't inherit-javaform
This case is not possible.
Because class contains complete methods and such methods are inherited to interface but interface can’t have complete methods.

//Multiple inheritance through interface
interface Interface1
void method1();
void method2();
class Example1
void method3()
System.out.println("Inside Method3()");
class MultipleInheritance extends Example1 implements Interface1
public void method1()
System.out.println("Inside Method()");
public void method2()
System.out.println("Inside method2()");
public static void main(String args[])
//Interface1 obj=new Interface1()
Interface1 obj;
MultipleInheritance obj2=new MultipleInheritance();
Interface1 obj3=new MultipleInheritance();
//Reference variable of Example1 class
Example1 obj4=new MultipleInheritance();

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