
Interfaces are pure abstract classes i.e, all the methods in an interface are abstract methods only.
Hence interface is also known as "Skeleton-class ".
Interface is a keyword used to declare it.
interface A
void m1();
void m2();
Here keyword abstract is optional while declaring abstract methods of an interface.
inheritance can contain data members.By default, these data members are public static final.
interface A
public static final int a=10;
public static final in b=20;
int c=30;
void m1();
void m2();
Such data members can be access directly with interface name.
Interface object can't be created because it is purely incomplete class.
A obj=new A(); //Error..
How to use interface
Since interface object can't be created,we have to inherit the interface.
Implement is a keyword using which we inherit an interface.
The class which inherits interface should be redefined all the abstract methods or interface.
The class which inherits interface should redefine all the abstract methods or interface otherwise such sub-class also becomes an incomplete class or abstract class and this class can't be instantiated.
class B implements A
int x,y;
void m1()
System.out.println("m1() Method");
void m2()
System.out.printnln("m2() Method");
void m3()
System.out.println("m3() method");
class InterfaceExample
public static void main(String args[])
//A obj=new A(); //Error..
A a;
System.out.printnln("A value="+A.a);
System.out.printnln("B value="+A.b);
System.out.printnln("C value="+A.c);
a=new B();
B b=new B()
System.out.printnln("X value="+b.x);
System.out.printnln("Y value="+b.y);

//program related to interfaces
Interface interface1
/*final*/ int x=10;
Static int x=20; // by default its final,public.
Void method1();
Void method2();
/*void method3() //error—because no complete method
System.out.println(“Inside method3()”);
Class InterfaceExample implement Interface1
Public void method1()
System.out.println(“Inside method 1()”);
Public void method2()
System.out.printnln(“Inside method2()”);
Public static void main(String args[])
Interface obj1=new Interface1(); //error no-object
Interface1 obj1;
InterfaceExample obj2=new interfaceExample();
//obj2.x=obj2.x+10 //if final in interface
//Interface1.y=Interface1.y+10; //by default its final
//obj2.y=obj2.y+10; //by default its final
System.out.println(“y:::”+ Interface1.y);
Interface1 obj3=new InterfaceExample();

Multiple Inheritance in Java through interfaces.
Java doesn't support multiple inheritance through classes i.e, 2 or more base classes giving derivation to one sub-class. i.e not possible in Java.
Multiple inheritance-javaform
However, this concept can be implemented through interfaces.
class C extends A implements B
Here Sub-Class 'C' should redefine all the abstract methods of base-class as well as interface otherwise such class becomes an abstract class and it can't be instantiated.
i)A class extends class for inheritance
class extends-Javaform
class B extends A
ii)A class implements interface for inheritance.
implements interface-javaform
class implements A
iii)An interface extends another interface for inheritance.

interface extends-Javaform
Interface B extends A
iv) Interface can't inherit class.
Interface can't inherit-javaform
This case is not possible.
Because class contains complete methods and such methods are inherited to interface but interface can’t have complete methods.

//Multiple inheritance through interface
interface Interface1
void method1();
void method2();
class Example1
void method3()
System.out.println("Inside Method3()");
class MultipleInheritance extends Example1 implements Interface1
public void method1()
System.out.println("Inside Method()");
public void method2()
System.out.println("Inside method2()");
public static void main(String args[])
//Interface1 obj=new Interface1()
Interface1 obj;
MultipleInheritance obj2=new MultipleInheritance();
Interface1 obj3=new MultipleInheritance();
//Reference variable of Example1 class
Example1 obj4=new MultipleInheritance();

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Add Keywords into account.

In this article,How to Add Keywords into account is explained in detail with examples.
From keyword research tool we have to do the basic research about what keywords are searched by the user and what is the suggested bid and competition level.
Add auction
It is the process of determining the winner and its positions when add is running, Google add auction process is not like a general auction, where the highest bidder will get the value in an add auction. Google uses one more factor to determine the quality of keyword. It is defined as a quality score(QS).The quality score(QS) range is from 1 to 10. (From topic How to Add Keywords into account)

Fundamentals of Java|Data types.

In this article,what are Fundamentals of Java|Data types? is explained in detail with examples.
In software engineering and PC programming, a data type is an order of information which tells the compiler or interpreter how the developer expects to utilise the information. Most programming holds different types of information, for instance: real, integer or Boolean. A Fundamentals of Java|Data types, data type gives an arrangement of qualities from which an expression (i.e. variable, work ...) may take its qualities. The type characterises the operations that should be possible on the information, the significance of the information, and the way estimations of that sort can be put away.
The Data which is processed in a program to perform some operations is represented by data types.
Java supports two types of  data types. (From the topic what are Fundamentals of Java|Data types)
Fundamentals of Java|Data types-javaform

Search Engine Optimization(SEO).

In this article, What is Search Engine Optimization(SEO) is explained in detail with definitions.
The process to rank the sites on top listings by considering the policies by the Google is called Search Engine optimization.
Search Engine Optimization(SEO)-javaform

Google Algorithms.

In this article, what are Google Algorithms are clearly explained in detail with definitions.
Google follows powerful Algorithm strategy for user’s convenience. These algorithms help search engines to rank the pages based on some criteria. Most of the Google algorithms are patented.

Google Algorithms
  • Page rank
  • Spelling check
  • Synonym check
  • Autocomplete
  • Query understanding
  • Safe search
  • User context
  • Malware detection algorithm    (From Topic what are Google Algorithms)

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