Method overloading.

In this article,Method overloading is explained in detail with examples.
Two or more methods in a single class with same name and atleast one difference in the signature is known as method loading.
Signature means a number of arguments, the order of arguments and data type of arguments.
class A
---Data members---;
void m1(int,int){---}
void m1(float,float){---}
void m1(int,float){---}
void m1(float,int){---}

Method Overriding and Object as a class Member.

In this article,Method Overriding and Object as a class Member are explained in detail with example.
Method overriding is related to inheritance, Here we re-define method of a base class in a subclass with the same name and same signature i.e, the number of arguments, the order of arguments, the data type of arguments, all should be same.
//program related to Method Overriding and Object as a class Member--method overriding
class ParentClass
void parentMethod() //over ridden method---
System.out.println("Parent class Method");

Method Calling Mechanisms in Java.

In this article,Method Calling Mechanisms in Java is explained in detail with an example.
Based on nature of arguments used to call a user defined method in java, we have two types of method calling mechanisms.They are
  • Call by value.
  • Call by reference.
Call by Value
In this mechanism, we pass a copy of actual arguments to call a user-defined method and formal parameters are also of same data type.
Any changes done with formal parameters are NOT reflected to actual arguments.
//program related to Method Calling Mechanisms in Java--call by value.

Access Modifiers in Java.

In this article,Access Modifiers in Java is explained in detail with examples.
This concept represents scope/visibility/accessibility of different members of a class for usage.
Java supports four access modifiers:
* If no modifier is used then it is default we use default in the switch case.
Using: D=direct access.
         obj=object access.
Access Modifiers-Javaform

Static Modifier in Java.

In this article,Static Modifier in Java is explained in detail with examples.
This modifier can be used in four situations
  • Data-members.
  • Member-Methods.
  • Static Block.
  • Classes-Related to nested class.
i)Static data-Members.
These data members are those data members,which are common for all the objects of a class.
Static is the keyword used to declare them.

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