Multiple if and If-else control structures.

In this article,Multiple if and If-else control structures are explained in detail with examples.
In this control structure, we use multiple if statements one after the other/sequential as follows.
if(condition 1)
if(condition 2)

Nested-if control Structure.

In this article,Nested-if control Structure is explained in detail with examples.
In this, you will come to know about the Nested if control structure Using an if-condition block inside another if condition block is known as nested-if.
if(condition 1)
outer true part;
if(condition 2)
Inner true part;

Cascading If-else control Structure.

In this article, Cascading If-else control Structure is explained in detail with examples. you will come to know about what is the cascading If-else control structure in Java, how it is defined in java program.Syntax is written as below
if (condition 1)
true part1;
else if (condition 2)
true part2;
else if (condition 3)

Switch case control structure.

In this article,Switch case control structure is explained in detail with examples.This control structure works same as that of cascading if else provided we use proper break statements and control the execution.
case value1:
case value 2:

Looping Control Structures.

In this article,Looping Control Structures are explained in detail with examples.
These control structures are used to execute a block of statements continuously/iteratively based on a condition.
1.While loop
It is also known as pre-test loop i.e. first, we check the condition and if it is true, then it executes
the body. 

Nested Loop and Labeled break and Labeled continue.

In this article,Nested Loop and Labeled break and Labeled continue is explained in detail with examples.Using a particular looping structure inside an another looping structure is known as nested loop.
outer-loop:(no of rows)
Inner-loop:(no of columns)

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